Sunday 22 December 2013


Hi folks..!
Yes, finnally! Christmas Break! two weeks of no school and fun activities! And, more over, my birthday!
Anyways, there's something urgent I want to tell you...
And now, don't get me wrong, I mean, I like Christmas, just not the songs. Not the songs.. You see, I work in a very large store, and my head is being bombarded with radio Christmas songs. The one I hate most is Mariah Carey All I want for Christmas. And, fortunate as I am, it is also one of the most popular Christmas songs...
I haven't planned annything much for the holiday, except my birthday, Christmas and New Year's eve. I am staying at a friend and we are going to two parties :)
By the way, no deep thoughts today. I'm kind of unproductive at the very moment...

See ya!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Zero fucks were given

So... I find myself in weird situations more often than I used to. Or, maybe, I care more than I used to. Which makes me want to tell you something.
Lately, I've been telling myself to be more ignorant. Yes, ignorant. Just don't give a fuck.
That's the key to simplicity. I've come across some uncomfortable situations and the key to solving the core problems of the issues is to just not care. Don't pay attention, don't worry, and there's no problem.
Very often we find ourselves worrying about things that do not really matter of have small or no impact on the rest of your life. So, nine out of ten, we are the problem. And, tackling this problem is easy; don't care and your problem has been solved.
Same with bullies. Ignore, don't pay attention and it is not fun to bully anymore. As well as the bully, the problem contains to parties, so to say. In the case of a bully, it needs attention to function properly.
Get it already? The problem contains the actual problem and the fucks given. When one party does not cooperate, the other one will not function as it should.

No try to apply this lesson to life, just as I am.
More updates later! See you folks!