Sunday 22 December 2013


Hi folks..!
Yes, finnally! Christmas Break! two weeks of no school and fun activities! And, more over, my birthday!
Anyways, there's something urgent I want to tell you...
And now, don't get me wrong, I mean, I like Christmas, just not the songs. Not the songs.. You see, I work in a very large store, and my head is being bombarded with radio Christmas songs. The one I hate most is Mariah Carey All I want for Christmas. And, fortunate as I am, it is also one of the most popular Christmas songs...
I haven't planned annything much for the holiday, except my birthday, Christmas and New Year's eve. I am staying at a friend and we are going to two parties :)
By the way, no deep thoughts today. I'm kind of unproductive at the very moment...

See ya!

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