Saturday 31 August 2013

One direction feversss... UGH

Soooo, anyone heard of this new movie about the lives of the members of 'One Direction'?
I'm not a fan, not a hater, but I cannot understand all the fuss. I mean, it's just some guys expressing their frustration about puberty and girls. Please, get over it and worry about the things that really matter.
I mean, I worry about all the stupid posts on Facebook from people that HAVE to see that movie, HAVE to go to that concert, HAVE to meet the crew and members in real life, HAVE to have that new 'sexy' poster, HAVE to talk about One Direction.
Seriously, these people are the core issues of nowadays society.
I know I am not suposed to say that society would be a lot richer and the future of it much brighter if we eliminate these stupid thoughts, or even people, if possible.
Oh, wait. I just did, and I'm not taking it back. No offense to these people, just try to be a bit more interesting. People judge you the minute they know you're a Directioner.
Once again, I can respect the fact you might be a fan, just not the fuss about it.

Old fashioned..

Seems our teachers this year have not come up with an origional introductionday. We will, as promised and expected, be part of a dual survival once again. I said it and predicted it, and once again I'm right.
Though I might want to be wrong this time.
What we need to bring:
- old clothes that can get dirty
- old shoes
- dry clothes (hell yeah, here we go...)
- good sense of humour
- survival skills (as if I practice everyday to build a fire, construct a floating boat of whatsoever)
Well, I'll leave my good sense of humour home, since I really cannot see why any of this could potentially be funny. At all.
If I do not post anything Monday evening, I might be dead, and thus did not survive the dual survival with my awesome survival skills that will not be present, indeed.

Because they will

Never forget who you are, because the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armour, and it can never be used to harm you.
They will always remember you as you were and as you are, not as you want or try to be. Never forget that.

Busy Bdays 2

Hello people!
I told you I'd keep you updated as to what I'd scored? Well, I got a friend who's throwing a sweet sixteen some nice body lotion and showergel. She said she didn't want anything, but, I mean, it's her sweet sixteen and that's why I think I need to at least give her sómething. My sis is getting something like that as well, just because it's really hard to come with an original present, even though it's your sister. Fay is getting the boots she wanted and my brother is getting money so he can buy something to fit his collection of knifes, guns, etc. By the way, we are celebrating his 14th Bday tomorrow, and I really think he's forgotten all about it.
Well, then he'll have a non-suprise supriseparty!
Mum is getting home in a bit, so I'm rounding off!
See you!

Friday 30 August 2013

Busy Bdays

My sister, my brother and my best girlfriend are celebrating their BDAY's in September, so it's going to be a busy month. I'm going into town tomorrow to try to score some awesome presents! I really do not have a clue as what to buy for them, but hopefully I'll get some inspiration once downtown.
Oh, by the way, I just remebered that we agreed to buy boots for my girl, together with seven other girls. If we all pay about 15 to 20, we will be able to buy an awesome present she's wanted for about half a year now!
My sis? I don't know. Maybe something girly?
My brother? I do not have a clue whatsoever to the second degree...
I'll tell you whether I scored or not!

What doesn't kill you, will hopefully try again!

You know these persons, that can make you feel hate to the fullest degree?
Well, I know one, and when I see him, I get goosebumbs and want to break something. Well, this person really knows how to get me triggered, only by being present. When I have to go to school on Monday, I really hope I do not have to see him.
What should I do when I do see him?

Back to the regular

So, since I am back home from Ermelo and the camping, I am oficially not grounded anymore. I got my phone back, my keys and my wallet. Things are gettng better again, haha.
Holiday was fun, the weather was nice and the place we stayed at on the camping side, a sort of bungalow, was okay. It was clean, which is about the most important thing if you're living in it for a week.
So guys, I am back on track, annnnnd on the internet again haha.
In three days school starts and I am still looking forward to it. Tomorrwo I'll be going back to my mom's place, and then things are getting back to the regular.

Thursday 22 August 2013

Hello y'all, I'll be gone for a week or so, so nothing will be posted! I'm sorry, but I'll tell you about everything when I get back! Have a nice week!

Pull the finger..

Somtimes life isn't exactly smiling at you. The only thing that rests you at a moment like that, is to give life a big fuck you and carry on.
There's not much more I can say right now, other than I cannot wait 'til school starts again. Which carries me to the next topic...
Every year, our teachers organize a so called 'introduction day', to begin the new year with. Every idea seems to be more original that the one before, but, for the students, it's never really funny.
Last year, our brilliant teachers came up with the crazy idea to organize a dual survival with teams competing against eachother. Really. Funny.
As we were the pink team, we got to wear the beautiful pink shirts, making us look absolutely ridiculous. We did al sorts of activities, but the most important thing for the teachers was: make sure they get dirty and wet."
Yes, sounds fun right? Think again, this is not the kind of dirty and wet you see on TV. 
All this makes me wonder what our teachers have come up with this year...
Are we to climb trees? Or should we build a house?

Regular again

Hi guys,
today is a lazy day for me! Just doing nothing really productive and hang around a bit. In about a week school starts again, and in about two weeks classes start again. I'm actually really excited to go to school again. I mean, I coulnd't really speak to anyone the past week, and just, holiday's been long enough. I'm looking forward to seeing my friends again and just get on with the regular life.


You know when you're getting really pissed off by something and conclude way too fast and maybe screw things up?
Well, meet me. I have a habit of doing that way too often.
It's just hard for me to 'wait and see', and instead I go find myself conclusions and reasons to why someone would act a certain way. While, maybe, this person really had a bad connection (or I did) and I ended up ignoring this person, unpurposely. Which he/she got pissed of by, and so on.
Conclusion: don't conclude. Ánd try not to get hurt by something you don't know was meant to hurt your feelings.
Ugh, why again do I always screw things up?