Thursday 22 August 2013

Pull the finger..

Somtimes life isn't exactly smiling at you. The only thing that rests you at a moment like that, is to give life a big fuck you and carry on.
There's not much more I can say right now, other than I cannot wait 'til school starts again. Which carries me to the next topic...
Every year, our teachers organize a so called 'introduction day', to begin the new year with. Every idea seems to be more original that the one before, but, for the students, it's never really funny.
Last year, our brilliant teachers came up with the crazy idea to organize a dual survival with teams competing against eachother. Really. Funny.
As we were the pink team, we got to wear the beautiful pink shirts, making us look absolutely ridiculous. We did al sorts of activities, but the most important thing for the teachers was: make sure they get dirty and wet."
Yes, sounds fun right? Think again, this is not the kind of dirty and wet you see on TV. 
All this makes me wonder what our teachers have come up with this year...
Are we to climb trees? Or should we build a house?

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