Wednesday 18 September 2013

It's all about mentality

I know this is going to be an extremely difficult year, but I know I'll make it through. I've just had two utterly long days, and I still have not been able to finish all homework due tomorrow. Also, next week, I'll be making five tests, and the week after some more.
This year is hard, and I'm making a lot of hours, but, it'll hopefully get me into college one day, and that's what we do it for, right?
Fun thing planned: I'll be going to Cambridge in three weeks!
It's a school trip, and of course there will be rules (a lot) but we'll have fun for sure.
Rules for example are: be home at ten ( I know right, it's not like anyone is actually going to be home at ten), no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking in rooms or in the bus, and some more, which probably wasn't that important, otherwise I would have remembered it.
Yesterday we went to The Hague, and visited The Historical Museum of The Hague. Yeah, right. It was so much fun.
Not. Okay, so the headlines are that I wasn't allowed to join half of the tour because I couldn't stop laughing. Yes, it was that boring. I was not the only one who couldn't stop laughing.
We had a look at some fingers of men that died in the 17th century (or something like that) and we saw some tongues of dead man. Some old paintings, etc. Really interesting and all.
Furthermore I think I have overbullied my bully, at least... I think so...
Some customs never die, or something like that...
Well, talk to you in a bit!

Wednesday 11 September 2013


Everyone knows at least one. The big bully.
Everyone's been confronted at least once with these big suckers, and actually no one rally knows what to do about them. I mean, they won't stop when getting punished, they won't stop by telling them you don't like what they do or say.
They just won't stop.
No, what I've learnt the past few days is that the only way to stop a bully is to overbully the bully.
Yeah, it's getting complicated, but we haven't even started yet.
A bully makes him what he is because there are always people that laugh about his 'jokes'. You are not to eliminate the bully, nor should you talk to the people that laugh at his jokes.
It's all a game, a play between you and the bully. You are playing a game and you are the protagonists. And the 'followers' are the audience. It's never about what the bully thinks of you, because that's is not what counts. It's about what the audience thinks of you, because without the audience having the bully's back, he's nothing but a miserable lump of shit.
You need to earn the audience's respect.
People laugh because they are afraid of the bully. Afraid that if they do not laugh or when they say something about his ridiculous behavior, they'll be next. Which, of course, is usually the case.
So, respect and fear are two different things that mean the same thing in this case.
You ought to make the people laugh about something you say about the bully because you've earned their respect or just because they're afraid they'll be next. But, keep in mind, only bully to overbully, never bully just because you can.
Then, when you have reached the point where people laugh about your jokes, the bully will think twice before saying something nasty about you, because you'll make the people laugh harder about him.
You have now overbullied a bully and are free to cross the square without being bullied!

I have done this, and my mission's accomplished. He doesn't dare to say a word. because instead of laughing at me, I'll make his followers laugh harder about his man boobs.
Mission accomplished.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Miss President

Sometimes I wonder whether our actions will echo across the century. Whether they'll sing songs about us, write books about us or even remember us.
Ones that live great and die young, will be remembered for their famous actions. Songs will be written and they'll sing for a hundred years and more.
Ones that live quietly and die old and grey will not be remembered. Their children will tell theirs the stories about you, but the memories will vanish and die with them.
I ought to something great. Something really big.
I'll be remembered for over a thousand years as we remember Achilles, or Menelaos of Greece.
In thirty years I'll be on the news as the president of The Netherlands that changed the world. And you'll be like, oh that girl, I read her blog once!
Yeah, that'll be me. They've always told me I'm the most likely to be president of all, and i'll make them say 'I told her'. I'll make them say I knew Iris before she became famous (or infamous, whatever you'd call it, haha), 'I met her in high school'. 'She was my friend back then' (and I'll hopefully still be).
Articles will be written about me, news reporters will talk about my achievements, and even the Chinese will remember me.
Remember this girl, and you might once me able to say 'I know her', when i'm (in)famous and well.

Sunday 1 September 2013

She was an addict

People all tlak about Amy Whinehouse being a legend.
But in my eyes, all she was was an ordinary drug addict that killed herself with an overdose.
I mean, the last name says it all.
Someone like this should not be an example, or legend. You ask your children 'Like whho do you wanna be when you grow up?'. You don't want them to answer 'Amy Whinehouse'.
So, people, stop talking about Amy Whinehouse as if she was a legend.
A legend is someone like Nelson Mandela, someone that contributes something good this world.
You want your children to asnwer 'Nelson Mandela'.


Today we celebrate my brothers 14th annual (duhh) birthday. As I had already said, he had indeed forgotten about it.
Funny how these things change, right?
When I was eight, or so, I was counting down two months 'till my bday. Now, I wake up and think, '27th..? Hmm, oh, right, it's my birthday today'.
It's also a special day for one reason; this is the only day I get to give my brother a kiss on the cheek, the rest of the year I should not come closer than one meter, really. Anddd, I get to do his hair. Normally he refuses to touch it, but now, with all people visiting, I am allowed to do something with his hair. It's not a bbig change though, however, you can see someone had taken an afford to try to make it look good. And it does.
In about half an hour most people arrive. Wonder what he's getting...
I gave him money, because probably only he knows what he wants, and he's not telling us. So now he can decide for himself.

If my mom allows it, I will crash at Bieb's place tomorrow, together with Bar. Just a girls night.
Ciao! Talk to you later.