Sunday 1 September 2013


Today we celebrate my brothers 14th annual (duhh) birthday. As I had already said, he had indeed forgotten about it.
Funny how these things change, right?
When I was eight, or so, I was counting down two months 'till my bday. Now, I wake up and think, '27th..? Hmm, oh, right, it's my birthday today'.
It's also a special day for one reason; this is the only day I get to give my brother a kiss on the cheek, the rest of the year I should not come closer than one meter, really. Anddd, I get to do his hair. Normally he refuses to touch it, but now, with all people visiting, I am allowed to do something with his hair. It's not a bbig change though, however, you can see someone had taken an afford to try to make it look good. And it does.
In about half an hour most people arrive. Wonder what he's getting...
I gave him money, because probably only he knows what he wants, and he's not telling us. So now he can decide for himself.

If my mom allows it, I will crash at Bieb's place tomorrow, together with Bar. Just a girls night.
Ciao! Talk to you later.

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