Wednesday 18 September 2013

It's all about mentality

I know this is going to be an extremely difficult year, but I know I'll make it through. I've just had two utterly long days, and I still have not been able to finish all homework due tomorrow. Also, next week, I'll be making five tests, and the week after some more.
This year is hard, and I'm making a lot of hours, but, it'll hopefully get me into college one day, and that's what we do it for, right?
Fun thing planned: I'll be going to Cambridge in three weeks!
It's a school trip, and of course there will be rules (a lot) but we'll have fun for sure.
Rules for example are: be home at ten ( I know right, it's not like anyone is actually going to be home at ten), no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking in rooms or in the bus, and some more, which probably wasn't that important, otherwise I would have remembered it.
Yesterday we went to The Hague, and visited The Historical Museum of The Hague. Yeah, right. It was so much fun.
Not. Okay, so the headlines are that I wasn't allowed to join half of the tour because I couldn't stop laughing. Yes, it was that boring. I was not the only one who couldn't stop laughing.
We had a look at some fingers of men that died in the 17th century (or something like that) and we saw some tongues of dead man. Some old paintings, etc. Really interesting and all.
Furthermore I think I have overbullied my bully, at least... I think so...
Some customs never die, or something like that...
Well, talk to you in a bit!

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