Wednesday 11 September 2013


Everyone knows at least one. The big bully.
Everyone's been confronted at least once with these big suckers, and actually no one rally knows what to do about them. I mean, they won't stop when getting punished, they won't stop by telling them you don't like what they do or say.
They just won't stop.
No, what I've learnt the past few days is that the only way to stop a bully is to overbully the bully.
Yeah, it's getting complicated, but we haven't even started yet.
A bully makes him what he is because there are always people that laugh about his 'jokes'. You are not to eliminate the bully, nor should you talk to the people that laugh at his jokes.
It's all a game, a play between you and the bully. You are playing a game and you are the protagonists. And the 'followers' are the audience. It's never about what the bully thinks of you, because that's is not what counts. It's about what the audience thinks of you, because without the audience having the bully's back, he's nothing but a miserable lump of shit.
You need to earn the audience's respect.
People laugh because they are afraid of the bully. Afraid that if they do not laugh or when they say something about his ridiculous behavior, they'll be next. Which, of course, is usually the case.
So, respect and fear are two different things that mean the same thing in this case.
You ought to make the people laugh about something you say about the bully because you've earned their respect or just because they're afraid they'll be next. But, keep in mind, only bully to overbully, never bully just because you can.
Then, when you have reached the point where people laugh about your jokes, the bully will think twice before saying something nasty about you, because you'll make the people laugh harder about him.
You have now overbullied a bully and are free to cross the square without being bullied!

I have done this, and my mission's accomplished. He doesn't dare to say a word. because instead of laughing at me, I'll make his followers laugh harder about his man boobs.
Mission accomplished.


  1. When I was young I just punched the bully in his face

  2. Well done baby, lets kick his ass! Oh btw, really love reading your blogs Boobs. Proud of you!! xx biebs
